Home Sicuratec Stair Barrier

The Sicuratec Stair Barrier protects people with disabilities against unintended access to accident-prone locations, such as staircases. Easy to operate, safe functioning, minimal reduction of the passage width, patented and certified mechanism.


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Our web crawlers found that a lone root page on treppenschranke.de took one thousand and sixteen milliseconds to stream. We could not detect a SSL certificate, so in conclusion I consider treppenschranke.de not secure.
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Home Sicuratec Stair Barrier


The Sicuratec Stair Barrier protects people with disabilities against unintended access to accident-prone locations, such as staircases. Easy to operate, safe functioning, minimal reduction of the passage width, patented and certified mechanism.


This web site had the following in the site, "Optimum safety with Sicuratec stair barrier." Our analyzers noticed that the web site stated " Once the barrier is installed, unwanted access to the staircase is no longer possible." The Website also said " Optimum safety with Sicuratec stair barrier. Once the barrier is installed, unwanted access to the staircase is no longer possible. The Sicuratec stair barrier is a safety device used to secure staircase landings in order to prevent falls on the stairs. It is especially intended for facilities which host mentally andor physically disabled people." The website's header had stair barrier as the most important optimized keyword. It is followed by stairway, nursing home, and retirement home which isn't as highly ranked as stair barrier. The next words treppenschranke.de uses is barrier. safety was included and will not be understood by search parsers.


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